Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We built this!

As all of our friends know, Jason and I had been working for over a year to make a little apartment space in his mothers basement, to tide us over until we were able to buy our own home. It has been such a grueling project, and now we are just down to the finishing touches! Although there is still work to be done, I will post pictures of the living room, which we are now enjoying all the time, instead of finishing up the last little things that need to be done. I am not sure why, but there are specs in the picture (probably dust). There is an endless amount of dust down there, being that it has been a construction zone for so long. Enjoy!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Visiting with the Hitt Family

All of us at church on Sunday
Big Smiles:-)

Heather at the Mini Horse Farm

Me in the Abe hat

Jason in front of the gun display at Gettysburg

Well, Jason and I had such an awesome weekend visiting with Brandon, Heather, and sweet Grace in Pennsylvania. This was the first warm weekend of the season, and I think we took great advantage of that, with a trip to Gettysburg on Saturday. On Sunday we went to The Greencastle Bible Church, to see just what Brandon has been up to over there! The church was just lovely, and he really speaks with passion! Brandon truly makes a wonderful pastor.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Imagine my surprise this morning when I woke up to this beautiful snowstorm that hit Virginia last night. Around here, they always make a big hype about snow storms, so I was definitely expecting there to be just a light dusting this morning, however, I was pleasantly surprised to see about 6 inches of white fluff out there! I wish I could have stayed home today and played with Jason and the puppies in the snow, but alas, work was still awaiting me. I was so lucky that Jason didn't have to work this morning, so he was the chosen one to start shoveling the driveway and warm up the car. I hope that this post finds everyone happy and warm!