Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

So, today there was this survey that Elizabeth sent me on Facebook. I took awhile to think about 25 things about me and I figured maybe some would like to read this, fill it out for themselves and send it back to me!

1. I love coffee. But some might say I like coffee creamer more<3

2. I have a weakness for old men. I feel like every one of them could be my grandfather, and I think they are just adorable.

3. I have been trying to quit cursing for about 3 years now, and just can’t seem to quit. This habit is particularly bad when I am around people who don’t curse. It’s almost like I have to make up for the fact that they don’t do it. Some times I am so backwards.

4. I can never decide what I career path I want to go down. Mostly because all I really want is to be a mother and wife more than anything else in the world. It’s the only vision I get.

5. I wish I was born in a different decade sometimes. Like maybe the 50’s. Things were a lot lovelier then.

6. As excited as I am to have a beautiful wedding, what really motivates me is getting to marry the man that God intended for me. I never want to go a day without Jason by my side.

7. Everything really goes much easier when it goes my way!

8. I am blessed to have two really awesome parents. There is nothing they would not do for me, and I for them.

9. I love “reality” television.

10. I am a super top secret book worm:)

11. I just so happen to like Martha Stewart. So what if she is a little on the dry side, she is entertaining and has great ideas!

12. I truly can’t wait for Jason and me to have a home of our own again.

13. I miss my Grandma Marika so much. I wish could spend just one more day with her. I don’t think I will ever get over her…

14. I am the eldest of three children, and I definitely was built for the role. I love being a big sister!

15. I wish I could have a horse; I would love nothing more than to live on a farm in the country and go riding everyday.

16. I am really prissy, unless I am prepared to get dirty, then I go all out like a little kid!

17. I only watch the Superbowl for the commercials.

18. Whenever I am irritated, embarrassed or anxious I break out into hives all over my
décolleté. It itches and drives me crazy.

19. I am a clean freak. Friends call me the “Bleach Queen”

20. Although I never, ever did well in Math during my time in school, I enjoy the accounting aspect of my job more than anything else. I wish it was a bigger part of my job.

21. I was picked on pretty badly during high school. Sometimes I wish I could go back as the woman I am now, and not let the stupid kids get to me like they did. I now realize it only fed their attitudes towards me.

22. Ever since my car accident (a year and a half ago) I am absolutely terrified to let other people drive me around. I feel like people just don’t take the value of ones life seriously on the road. It’s just not something I take lightly anymore.

23. I wish I could be on “Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style” I just don’t know how to dress this new fuller figure of mine.

24. I think everyone should watch and carefully consider the movie “Pay it Forward”.

25. I have the best friends a girl could ever ask for. Love you!

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